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Table 3 Economic, Social and Regulatory implications summary

From: From use cases to business cases: I-GReta use cases portfolio analysis from innovation management and digital entrepreneurship models perspectives

Digital Entrepreneurship Models

Economic Implications

Social Implications

Regulatory Implications

Energy Storage as a Service (ESaaS)

Reduced upfront costs, revenue opportunities for service providers

Energy sustainability, energy independence, resilience

Address ESaaS agreements, fair pricing, data privacy, grid impact

Building Automation Platform

Cost savings through improved efficiency, lower operational costs

Improved indoor comfort, well-being

Data privacy, security, energy efficiency standards

Energy Efficiency as a service (EEaaS)

Cost Savings, Energy Efficiency Incentives, Revenue for Service Providers

EEaaS can make energy-efficient technologies more accessible to a wider range of customers

Energy Efficiency Standards, Measurement and Verification (M&V)

Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading

Cost savings for consumers, revenue for prosumers

Community engagement, empowerment, decentralized energy

Grid access, fairness, transparency in energy trading

Community Energy Management Systems (CEMS)

Cost savings, economies of scale in energy procurement

Community resilience, sustainability, reduced environmental impact

Community-level energy management, grid integration

Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Services

Revenue streams for EV owners, offset EV ownership costs

Integration of renewable energy, reduced carbon footprint

V2G technical and operational standards, grid compatibility