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Table 1 Notations summary

From: Optimal joint operation of coupled transportation and power distribution urban networks

General parameters and variables


Objective function (travel time cost and associated cost of energy during a charging event - Cost of TN)


Parameter—Associated cost of travel time estimated in Euros

\(\tau _{e}(t)\)

Latency function to calculate the travel time on link e during time period t


Traffic congestion cost on link e during time period t

\(\vartheta _{e,t}\)

Total aggregate of traffic flow on link e during time slot t


Aggregated charging costs of all EVs


The predefined time period for optimization

\(\tau _{e}^{0}\)

Free flow traveling time on link e


Co-efficient for real traffic observation data


Capacity of traffic flow on road link e


Associated cost (Euros) of electricity at the charging station connected to bus node j of PDN

\(\pi _{j}(t)\)

Locational Marginal Price (LMP) of bus j in PDN during time period t


Average EV charging power (kW) for unit traffic flow


Cost of travel on path p in the OD pair (s, d) during time period t

\(\psi _{p}\)

Decision parameter to state if path p is chosen or not


Time to travel on path p in the OD pair (s, d) during time spot t

\(\psi _{e,p}\)

Decision variable which states if link e belongs to path p or not


Traffic flow on path p in the OD pair (s, d) during time period t

\(\eta _{sd}(t)\)

The traffic demand on OD pair (s,d) during time period t


Binary variable if vehicle makes a trip from source s to destination d during time period t


Maximum charging power rate of electric vehicle ev


Minimum state of charge of the battery capacity Q


Maximum state of charge of battery capacity Q


Number of charging stations


Number of charging piles at charging station ch


Charging Power (kW) of the electric vehicle ev in pile k of charging station ch


The load that the charging station can handle


Power efficiency factor of charging station ch

\(\pi _{ch}\)

Charging price (Euros) at charging station ch

\(\vartheta _{e,ch,k}\)

Traffic flow captured by the charging station ch in pile k through link e


Amount of Energy (kWh) to be charged by all EVs at charging station ch


Objective function (energy cost of PDN for charging all EVs)

\(\Phi _j\)

The cost (Euros) of generating power from bus node j


Average generated power (MW) by bus node x during time t

\(\pi _{cs}(t)\)

Contract energy cost charged per kWh during time period t

\(\Gamma _{c}(t)\)

The purchase energy cost from main power grid excluding contract price, during time slot t

\(\lambda _j\)

Set of all bus nodes which are at the end of the distribution line


Active power flow from bus node i to j during time period t


Reactance of active power line connecting bus node i to j


Current from bus node i to bus node j during time period t


Average active Power flow (MW) from bus node j to pile k during time period t


Total active power demand (MW) at bus node x during time period t


Average reactive power flow (MVar) from bus node i to j during time period t


Average reactive power (MVar) generated at bus x during time slot t


Reactance of reactive power line connecting bus node i to j


Average reactive power flow from bus node j to pile k during time period t


Average reactive power (MVar) demand at bus node j during time period t


Average voltage drop at bus node x during time period t


Lower bound of square voltage magnitude at bus node i during time slot t


Upper bound of square voltage magnitude at bus node i during time slot t


Lower limit of active power generation at bus node i


Upper limit of active power generation at bus node i


Lower limit of reactive power generation bus node i


Upper limit of reactive power generation bus node i


Regular power demand at bus node i during time period t


Unit traffic flow charging demand rate


The binary variable is set to 1 if charger b is connected to charging station ch


Paths from origin s to destination d



Index for time period


Index for link


Index for path

s, d

Index for OD pair


Index for source bus node


Index for demand bus node


Index for charging station


Index for electric vehicle


Index for pile
