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Table 3 Quality assessment Table

From: Challenges in platforming and digitizing decentralized energy services

Quality criteria

Assessment questions

Empirical research

Is this paper based on research or merely expert opinion?

Clear statement of aim

Is there is a motivation for why the study is undertaken?

Is the study’s main focus on service platforms or energy service digitalization?

Does the study present empirical data?

Is there is a clear statement of the study’s primary outcome?

Description of context

Who is the target audience?

In which environment was the research carried out ?

Research design

Has the researcher described or justified the research design?

Data collection

Is it clear how data are collected (e.g., semi-structured interviews, focus groups.)?

Has the researcher made the methods explicit (e.g., is there an indication of how they conducted interviews? Did they use an interview guide? )

Data analysis

Have sufficient data been presented to support the findings?


Are the study’s limitations explicitly discussed?

Are the findings discussed in light of the original research question?

Value of the research

Does the researcher discuss the contribution the study makes to existing knowledge or understanding?

Does the research identify new areas in which research is necessary?