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Table 15 The five-stage business ecosystem architecture design approach with a detailed explanation

From: Business ecosystem architecture development: a case study of Electric Vehicle home charging

Stage of the business ecosystem architecture development





Stage 1- Boundary identification of a business ecosystem

Define and describe the targeted business ecosystem boundary with two dimensions (the targeted domain and the cultural/geographic boundary)


1) the primary and secondary supply chain,

2) main business,

3) markets

The targeted business ecosystem boundary is defined and described with the two dimensions;

The primary and secondary supply chain, main business, and markets are described

Market research

Stage 2- Identification of actors and their roles in the business ecosystem

Identify actors and their roles

• Identify roles according to legal requirements for primary and/or secondary supply chains and markets

• Identify actors and their roles based on the roles assigned to them

Actors and their roles are identified

The output from Stage 1;

Market research

Stage 3- Identification of actors’ value propositions

Identify value propositions for each role and identify the potential interactions between roles

Identify value propositions and related business models for the correlated roles

Value propositions and business models for each correlated role are identified and described

The output from Stage 2;

Market research

Stage 4- Identification of interaction between actors

Identify the types and content of the interaction between roles

• Identify interaction content between two roles

• Identify the types (among five types of interaction) of interaction between two roles with correlated colors

An interaction table

The output from Stage 3;

Market research;


Stage 5- Verification of business ecosystem architecture design

Design minimum viable ecosystem and ecosystem roadmap

Visualize the developed business ecosystem architecture

Check completeness

Identify the minimum elements (actors, roles, and their interaction) of the targeted business ecosystem;

Identify ecosystem roadmap with the expansion stages and expanded ecosystem (if necessary)

Convert the minimum viable business ecosystem architecture (from the Interaction table) to the business ecosystem map

Check completeness of individual value flows and intangible value interactions between objects and actors

An MVE table and list of actors, roles and interactions

A business ecosystem map diagram

Five figures for the four value flows and intangible value interactions

The output from Stage 3 and Stage 4 (business model);

Research aims/focuses