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Table 2 Relevant industry articles/whitepapers discussing blockchain-based energy markets

From: Trading solar energy within the neighborhood: field implementation of a blockchain-based electricity market

Project/ Company

Basic idea

Market design



Blockchain protocol

Grid+ (Miller et al. 2017)

P2P trading of electricity, and controlling activators

Different market models possible

Development phase


Public blockchain + payment channels (Ethereum, Raiden)

HivePower (Rivola et al. 2018)

Platform for P2P trading of renewable energy

Different market models possible (e.g. central optimization)

Development phase, lab-scale prototype


Public blockchain + state channels (Ethereum, custom channels)

LO3 Energy (2017), Mengelkamp et al. (2017)

P2P trading of solar energy within local community

Auction mechanism: Iterative double auction

Field phase: local exchange within community in Brooklyn


Private blockchain (Tendermint)

PowerLedger (2017)

P2P trading of renewable energy

Different market models possible (e.g. central optimization, auction)

Development phase


Public-private hybrid blockchain (Ethereum, EcoChain)

WePower (2017)

P2P trading of renewable energy tokens

Auctions mechanism: not further defined

Development phase


Public blockchain (Ethereum)

  1. Most projects are still in an early development stage